Saturday, June 9, 2012

I said I would start one, so here it is.

In an effort to keep everyone in the loop I will endeavor to keep a blog for the duration of my time away. I've avoided such things in the past, as I have never felt I had anything to say worthy of the time it would take to read it. But this has a specific purpose, and it's OK if my mother is the only one who reads it.

It is unlikely that there will be many pictures, and I can't promise I will write anything interesting, but I will do my best. There will probably be a fair bit about trudging in the rain forest, shoveling feces and being quite wet and malodorous. For those of you who know me well, most of the above mentioned will be nothing new but at least you'll know I'm safe and enjoying myself.

I leave on Tuesday, have a series of flights that will test my mental stability and land in Cameroon on Wednesday. I have two days to kill and start at Limbe Wildlife Centre on the 15th. I will come back to the states late August, likely being partially feral and needing some adjustment time for the reverse culture shock.

Not surprisingly I am taking small pieces of CrossFit with me. CFNH will have a temporary branch in Limbe, Cameroon. Jamie Morse was gracious enough to let me borrow her rings so I can keep my muscle-ups and torture myself with ring rows and other various ring related activities. I was fortunate to have a couple semesters worth of austere training in Keene so I have some data points for making up workouts with whatever happens to be around.  As Trevor said this morning, now even my workouts will be Paleo.

I hope everyone has a great summer, there are many people I will miss, but I will see you again in the Fall.

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