Thursday, June 14, 2012

I arrived safely after 30 hours door to door (gate). I passed (literally) through customs, which made me regret not bringing some of the things I thought would get taken. A driver was there to pick me up, which really was my biggest worry. After all the taxi stories I heard, I didn't want to have to find one on my own.

I have a room to myself, a short walk to the bathroom and a cold shower in the main house. Getting to the market requires getting on the back of a motorbike and praying we don't crash. I won't be able to eat as well as I had hoped but I will make due.

There are 4 outher volunteers here, one from the US who will be here the entire time I am, so I have someone to talk to. Everyone is nice so far. Today consisted of sorting through piles of bananas taller than I am and cutting up papaya. There is a three day quarantine period where I cannot interact with animals, only get my potentially diseased hands all over their food.

The project seems more uncertain, but I have not had a chance to speak with the director much since I arrived. Its been a bit of a blur of names I won't remember and feeding schedules I have to write down. I keep getting distracted when I walk by the enclosures. I seem to have caught the attention of an olive babboon that leaves near the kitchen. When I pass by or sit he comes and indicates to me that he fancies me. Its a bit awkward as the staff have noticed, but I'm used to being added to animal harems against my will (Gilly and Boo among them).

The goal for Saturday, which will be my day off is to get a phone and get to the beach before the rains come. I'll check back when I can. Hope everyone is well.


  1. woooohoooo
    Have fun, will keep checking in to see how things are.
    We will all post any PR's we get while you're gone =)

  2. Glad to hear that you made it safe and sound! Hope you are having the time of your life and enjoying the company of that baboon. Keep safe Tiff.

  3. Miss you already! Sydney is very excited to wake up and put a sticker one her count down! Have fun stay safe :) love you
