Saturday, June 16, 2012

Gorillas throw rocks.

Big rocks. At your head. Because they can. If you are outside their cage and they want something you have, or just don't want you there, they will lob softball sized rocks at your head. So thats good to know. There are somewhere around 4 monkeys running around free. 1 Mona Monkey and 4 drills, that combined with the stories of other escapes and the two chimps in their maximum security iron bar enclosure makes me think that these guys are only in there because they choose to be. Electric fence or no, the gorillas could knock down the wooden posts and chain link . The smaller monkeys simply fit between the wires and climb out.

I get early release from the banana mountains. With my help the 8 hour day was done in 3 so I got kicked out of the kitchen. Though not before having to unload almost 900lbs of corn on my own (which I counted as my wod for the day since I did it for time). Just over 23 minutes to bag it, weight it, transport it to the feed room, sort into wheelbarrows and run them to the feed dock. The corn delivery guy watched me do the whole thing in amazement and disgust "They make women different in New Hampshire". Poking my arms when I'm liftng things is also a new past time for many of the workers.

There is apparently a group of Navy guys stationed here. My roommates and I ran into them at a restaurant near the center. They have vehicles and were good contacts to make in case anything happens. They drove us home last night to see where we lived so they could get back there. I am officially known as "CrossFit" to them. We made tentative plans to workout together before I leave.

I start Mangabeys and Guenons tomorrow. I won't be able to post pictures but I will be able to take them while I am here, so I'll have something to show you guys when I am back in the states with a proper internet connection.

See you all soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great to hear your having fun, if you ever get bored just try an AMRAP of dodging rocks. Easy way to test your reflexes, not sure if pissing off the gorilla's is a good test of judgement though

  3. HaHaHa Tiffanie, I Love You, "Gorillas and Corn"
    ---from Ms. Gini
